Friends Of Overland
Be a Friend!
You make a difference!
Our school’s fundraising organization, Friends of Overland (FOO), is instrumental in raising funds to support our school’s academic program. Membership of FOO consist of parents of Overland Students. Board members are elected in the previous spring for the year they serve. Although the board determines many fund sources, two of the largest fund raisers are the Annual Family Donation and the Overland Gala and Auction. The funds raised provide our teachers with necessities such as photocopiers, pay for aides to assist in our classrooms and supervise on the playground, and underwrite our computer laboratory equipment and coordinator. Our class-size reduction teacher, who plays a critical role in meeting the needs of all fourth and fifth grade students, is funded, in part, by the friends. Our school physical education program, which allows teachers time for grade-level meetings, is made possible, in part, with their funding. Our arts program also benefits. Our music teacher is able to increase her time at the school and provide instruction to all grade levels. Our fifth graders participate in an annual drama class and staged production at the end of the school year.
FOO is a tax-exempt non-profit corporation. Certain donations to FOO are tax deductible.