Overland Elementary Loves Gardening!
Each classroom has a designated gardening bed. Parents and teachers work together to lead lessons that enable students to plant, grow, harvest and maintain gardens. Sensory activities in outdoor classroom setting provide hands-on science exposure during gardening lessons. Landscaped plots throughout the campus provide additional lesson resources: butterfly habitats, lavender beds, tree yards, succulents, and a beautifully landscaped 'Discovery Garden' provide sensory hands-on science exploration in an outdoor classroom environment.
Discovery Garden
The unveiling of the Discovery Garden was a wonderful celebration of Overland's 80th Anniversary! Today, the garden is used for many learning opportunities from Science Lab observation activities to class read alouds.
Compost Program
Overland has a student-led, internal compost program. Rich compost from recycled student lunches reduces waste and is used in school garden beds. Children develop a passion for science as they explore nature, eat their harvest and care for the world around them.